How Bible Training in Burkina Faso is Impacting West Africa

Gamene Moumini – A Legacy of Bible Training in Burkina Faso

Over 20 years ago, Gamene Moumini completed his training with BTCP (Bible Training Centre for Pastors) in Burkina Faso. Little did he know that this would be the start of a journey that would impact believers across the entire country and beyond. Since then, Gamene has led the charge in expanding Bible training programs throughout Burkina Faso, coordinating new classes and opening centers in cities like Ouagadougou and Bobo Dioulasso.

Under his leadership, students have gained a deeper understanding of God’s Word, equipping them to serve in their churches and local communities. The training has been truly life-changing for many, providing a strong biblical foundation that fuels a passion for ministry and missions.

A Program for All Denominations

One of the unique aspects of the BTCP training in Burkina Faso is its ability to bring together believers from different denominational backgrounds. While the first training class took place at a Baptist church, it didn’t take long for word to spread. Christians from many traditions, eager to learn more about the Bible, began to join the program.

This diversity has enriched the learning experience for everyone involved. Students from different traditions have gathered, united by their shared hunger for biblical knowledge. They study side by side, growing in their faith and building relationships that cross over denominational lines. This has created a sense of unity, where students focus on the common goal of understanding God’s Word more deeply.

Impact Across West Africa

The reach of this training has not been limited to Burkina Faso. Graduates from Bon Berger Church, where many of the training sessions are held, have returned to their home countries across French-speaking West Africa. They’ve taken what they learned and started new training centers in countries like Congo and Chad, multiplying the impact of this program.

Through their efforts, the BTCP training has spread across the region, equipping more believers to lead and serve in their communities. The ripple effect of this work has been incredible, bringing biblical teaching to places where it’s desperately needed. This program has truly been a blessing, uniting people from various backgrounds and creating a movement that furthers the Gospel.

Gamene’s story is a testament to the lasting impact of Bible training and the power of God to use one person’s dedication to bless an entire region. Through his leadership, Burkina Faso has become a hub for equipping believers, and the work continues to grow, bringing light and hope to countless lives.


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