Centro de Formación Bíblica para Pastores

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Alcance de Liderazgo

Leadership Outreach provides “boots on the ground” training and support to frontline servants who are carrying out the Lord’s work in remote areas. By providing theological training and practical ministry resources, we empower pastors and ministry leaders to plant local churches and promote community transformation. Working with God-centered, Christ-exalting ministries, we strive to advance the Great Commission through a network of training centers located in remote places around the world. Our trainers serve as instructors, mentors, coaches and friends to God’s chosen servants who are carrying out the Lord’s work in extreme locations.

Nuestros propósitos:

  • Theological Education – We train pastors and church leaders by providing theological education to those who lack access to formal seminary training.

  • Leadership Development – We train and multiply ministry leaders through practical leadership instruction in order to improve church health.

  • Church Planting – We promote church planting as a means of biblical discipleship and community transformation across the globe.